B 08 E
Specification Seismic Methods for Site Characterization
Kategorie: DGZfP-Regelwerke, engl.
This guideline provides a basis for the information regarding possibilities and limitations of seismic methods for the soil investigation. Seismic investigations enable the representation of structures in the underground or the determination of material parameters. This guideline considers solely methods from the area of geophysics and civil engineering, which are conducted in-situ at the surface of the earth or from boreholes respectively soundings. Due to extent reasons of this guideline, vibration immission (DIN 4150), measurement of vibrations (DIN 45669), questions about earth quake engineering as well as laboratory methods are not dealt with. The guideline contains details concerning the selection of methods and parameters as well as to the exploitation of the results. Sections can be used for the composition of tenders or as part of contracts.
The guideline supports, but does not replace the expertise of geotechnical engineers and geophysicists who ideally in cooperation compile an optimal combination of prospecting methods and interpret their results on the basis of a precise geotechnical task.
- Introduction
- Pratical areas of application and selection of method
- Physical and soil mechanics fundamentals
- Measurement and evaluation methods
- Indications regarding calls for tenders
- Quality assurance
- References
- List of symbols and abbreviations
Appendix: Case studies
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