D 01 E

Measuring Optical Densities in Radiographs

August 2015, 9 p.

Kategorie: DGZfP-Regelwerke, engl.

In industrial radiography, the term „optical density“ is used to describe the physical value that DIN 4512-7 and ISO 5/1 define as the visual optical density of an exposed film. Since the measurement of optical density is governd by well-known physical laws, this recommendation provides all those in charge of day-to-day industrial radiography ope-rations with a brief review of relevant aspects and some advice fort the equipment to be used and their operation.

This guideline is designed to provide advice for procedures to be followed and for the interpretation limits of the values obtained from the measurements.

  1. Historical Note
  2. Function of Optical Density Measurement in Industrial Radiography
  3. Physical Principles of Optical Density Measurement
  4. Requirements of Optical Density Measuring Devices
  5. Density Measurement
  6. Interpretation
  7. Standard References

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